Wednesday, March 04, 2009

For My Brother

My brother moved into his first home today. I'm so happy for him, it's been a long time coming. He's a man who learned life's lessons the hard way. He went through most of his life with a "live for the moment" attitude. He got into trouble, needless trouble, too often. His lack of concern for his future left him with very few career opportunities. He's been paying the price for it for about 25 years.

For 8 years he lived in a tiny, rundown, rented mobile home in a horrible part of town, biding his time and working his way into a crew chief's position with a local landscaping company. His hard work and perseverance has finally paid off. Walking into his house today, you could almost see the weight lift off his shoulders. He's finally breaking free of everything that has held him down for so long. He has a yard, a basement, and room to grow. He's done it without government handouts or my parents intervention. He's done this totally on his own. I am so very proud of him.

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