Saturday, March 28, 2009

Books You Need To Read

The latest book detailing the erosion of our freedoms in America is by Mark Levin. "Liberty and Tyranny: A Consrvative Manifesto" is by far the most powerful and compelling book I've read in quite a while. My husband and I bought the CD version on the day it was released, and I went through all 6 disks without stopping. The book's main thrust is a
comparison of a Conservative viewpoint to that of a Statist. Levin notes frightening departures from the Constitution that should send red flags up across the country.

As one reviewer so eloquently notes: "Levin's book provides ample evidence of government encroachment on individual liberty and our country's descent into the soft tyranny warned of by Alexis de Tocqueville in our country's earliest years. Economic regulation, environmental extremism, the usurpation of representative government by the judiciary, unprecedented and uncontrolled illegal influx of people into out country, and the like threaten our economic viability. Finally, Levin's book details how the liberal (and some so-called conservative) political elite rejects the notion of American Exceptionalism and seek to surrender voluntarily the sovereignty our forefathers fought and died to give and to preserve for us."

Read This Book!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

YouTube Tool

I love YouTube because I can find episodes of old music videos and TV shows that I used to enjoy when I was younger. One thing that bothers me is that even though I've created an account and saved files to my playlist, many of them disappear after a few weeks. Sometimes, the videos I love become "unavailable". I'm happy to say that I've found a new tool that makes it possible to download YouTube videos and convert them for viewing in Windows Media Player.

The program is called YouTube Downloader, and it's available here. I imagine it might be a little challenging for beginners, but if you want something badly enough, you can figure it out, right? I don't know about you, but if I can get a decent copy of my favorite old TV shows, it's much better than paying $50 - $80 for boxed set, don't you think?

Friday, March 06, 2009

U2 and Religion

I'm watching U2 on Good Morning America today. Whatever you may think of them as a band you certainly have to give them high marks for durability. I remember having to go to an imports store to buy their 1st album, Boy, back in 1980. I believe they are the only band to come out in that era that have continued to enjoy massive cross-generational appeal. I also believe much of that appeal is due to the themes they address in their music. They sing about social justice, religion, and politics. They're not afraid to admit that politics and organized religion are sometimes counter-productive. I do like this band.

U2 hails from from Dublin, Ireland, so I can understand why they are anti-war activists. I can't imagine growing up in the midst of ongoing religious warfare, but I'm pretty sure it would repulse me. One of the arguments I often hear against Christianity is that of the Christians killing each other in Ireland. If you hold the belief that people are, by nature, good - but circumstances can force us to do horrific things, then you probably see religion as the cause of many problems. But if you look at people from the Bible's perspective, you see that people are selfish, greedy, bigoted and perverse, you see the reason behind war and the need for true faith.

Only true faith can change our hearts and our motivation - in other words, our nature. Only one faith tells me that God has to change me - I can't change myself. I can claim any religion I want, but unless I want God to change my nature, I will merely become a hypocrite, using my religion as another outlet for my sinful nature. Maybe even my weapon to beat others down. That, I believe, is the crux of it all.

Thanks U2, sometimes we do need to reevaluate what we expect religion to accomplish. Do we hope it will help us draw near to God and be more concerned for others, or do we just want it to demonstrate our own righteousness?

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

For My Brother

My brother moved into his first home today. I'm so happy for him, it's been a long time coming. He's a man who learned life's lessons the hard way. He went through most of his life with a "live for the moment" attitude. He got into trouble, needless trouble, too often. His lack of concern for his future left him with very few career opportunities. He's been paying the price for it for about 25 years.

For 8 years he lived in a tiny, rundown, rented mobile home in a horrible part of town, biding his time and working his way into a crew chief's position with a local landscaping company. His hard work and perseverance has finally paid off. Walking into his house today, you could almost see the weight lift off his shoulders. He's finally breaking free of everything that has held him down for so long. He has a yard, a basement, and room to grow. He's done it without government handouts or my parents intervention. He's done this totally on his own. I am so very proud of him.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Degrees & the Job Market

One would think that with 20 years experience in my profession, that I should be able to find work somewhere. The sad truth is that I am no longer "qualified" to do my job.

Scouring the want ads and various online postings, I see that a 4 yr degree is REQUIRED and actual work experience has been devalued. I'm sure I'm not the only one who got a job back in the day when a HS diploma and a good work ethic would take you wherever you wanted to go. Many of my colleagues are experts at their job, but they have no degree. Like me, they just worked hard and learned their skills the old-fashioned way - OJT.

Unfortunately, with the unemployment rolls growing everyday, there has to be a way for employers to pare down the list of job applicants down to a reasonable number. The only way to do that is to up the job's educational requirements.

Ok, so now I'm in the process of getting a 4yr degree. I'll be done in Fall 2010. But I'm wondering if that will really be enough to distinguish me from other applicants. If everyone like me goes back to school and gets a 4 yr degree, what will that degree be worth? If everyone has one, it isn't really setting me apart, is it? Employers will need to up the educational ante again. I wonder where will it end... Will our children's children need a doctorate to get a $25 p/hr job?

Monday, March 02, 2009

Online Degrees

I've been attending the University of Phoenix Online since Jan. 1, 2007. Many might share my original concern that online college isn't really college at all, but that's far from the truth. If anything, it requires more effort since there's no predefined start time for class. It's easy to push it out another hour, and then another... Because these are accelerated degrees we're talking about, the classes are concentrated into a shorter time frame (5 wks), and run seamlessly from one into the next with no break until Christmas. Assignments are due any and every day of the week. Oh, and if you suck at writing, don't do online college. EVERYTHING is in writing, so you'd better be reasonably good at it.

The reason I'm writing this is because you really have to be careful about choosing an online school. There are some great schools out there, but there are others that offer to give you a degree based on "life experience". It's very easy to convince yourself that having that piece of paper is all that you need to secure the job of your dreams. No one's going to check into it, right? Do yourself a favor; before you choose an online school, do your homework first.

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